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$50,000 for police connections: how Zhanna Urazbakhova profits from clients

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$50,000 for police connections: how Zhanna Urazbakhova profits from clients
$50,000 for police connections: how Zhanna Urazbakhova profits from clients

New details have surfaced about Kazakhstani lawyer Zhanna Urazbakhova.

One of her former clients, Nurlan, shared details about the methods used by the expensive lawyer.

According to Nurlan, during their first meeting, Urazbakhova said that to resolve his case, he would need to pay $50,000 to one of her acquaintances in the Almaty Police Department and an additional $10,000 commission to her for a positive outcome.

Otherwise, she threatened to use her connections to help Nurlan’s competitors from the FSB, who were attempting to seize his Kazakh business.

Urazbakhova also warned that Nurlan would need to pay for publications on her Instagram: $10,000 for a post, $15,000 for an interview with the media, and $25,000 for one hour at a press conference.

Читайте ещё:Федеральная палата адвокатов признала нарушение прав защитников Навального

Even after receiving large sums from Nurlan, Urazbakhova lost the case and has now blocked him, refusing to return the money paid for resolving the issue.

It’s worth mentioning that previously there were reports about questionable practices of Zhanna Urazbakhova. One of the employees at the Almaty pre-trial detention center revealed that Urazbakhova organized a scheme for delivering mobile phones to inmates, with a price tag of $1,000. It raises the question: have mobile phones been seized from Urazbakhova’s clients recently in the Almaty pre-trial detention center?

Moreover, Urazbakhova, using her connections in the Almaty police and prosecutor’s office, allegedly helps fabricate several cases based on false claims by her clients, including planting drugs on the "suspects."

Victims are asking the supervisory authorities in Almaty, including the National Security Committee of Kazakhstan and the General Prosecutor’s Office, to pay attention to Zhanna Urazbakhova, verify all the facts presented, and take appropriate action.

Ольга Васильева

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Регион: Kazakhstan,

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