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«Bloody Coal»: How Ukraine’s coal trader Dmytro Kovalenko profits by cooperating with Russia

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«Bloody Coal»: How Ukraine’s coal trader Dmytro Kovalenko profits by cooperating with Russia
«Bloody Coal»: How Ukraine’s coal trader Dmytro Kovalenko profits by cooperating with Russia

Dmytro Kovalenko is one of the most well-known Ukrainian coal traders, who has been exposed in multiple illegal deals to export coal to Ukraine and Europe from the Russian Federation, «LPR» and «DPR»

And all this happens circumventing sanctions, prohibitions, and restrictions. How is this even possible in the conditions of a full-scale conflict? 

It has long been known that despite prohibitions, even after 2014, Ukraine purchased coal from Russia. Many media outlets have written about this. And regarding those who profited from such «bloody coal», the name of a certain Dmytro Kovalenko constantly popped up. This character repeatedly found ways to bypass bans, implementing mechanisms for the supply of Russian and «DPR/LPR» coal. What is known about these schemes implemented by this infamous fraudster during the full-scale conflict in Ukraine?

«Interrupted Transit»: How Dmytro Kovalenko’s fraudulent schemes work

The scheme functioned roughly as follows. First, the coal from the Russian Federation was directed towards Belarus, Estonia, Poland, but something «unexpected» would «suddenly happen» along the way. As a result, the carrier was «forced» to leave the cargo on the territory of Ukraine. 

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The scheme also worked under another «legend». The load was conditionally delivered to Poland, but at the border, it was «turned back». The reason given was «poor quality», or «wrong grade», or something of that sort. After that, a return was processed, but on behalf of the «Polish buyer», after which something unforeseen «happened» on the way back.

Aside from the aforementioned, there were other working schemes, the main goal of which was to circumvent all prohibitions and sanctions, and mainly to import illegal coal into the territory of Ukraine.

It is worth noting that initially, in the first years after the conflict began in 2014, such a situation caused outrage and even attempts to combat it. However, in the last few years, such schemes were essentially «neglected». As a result, not only  Kovalenko but also several other well-known individuals profited from «bloody coal», while the state was «reluctantly» fighting this type of trade.

But since February 24 of last year, there was a global mental shift that divided the lives of all Ukrainians into «before» and «after». It was on that night that the understanding of everything happening around changed. It was then that people’s perceptions changed. Simple figurative phrases like «trade in blood», «bloody coal», «trade on bones» now had a very real meaning... And it’s truly horrifying...

And what about sanctions, honor, patriotism, respect for the homeland, after all?

It seemed, where is the line that a person cannot cross for profit? As it turned out, there is no such line for Dmytro Kovalenko. Even after the start of the full-scale conflict, his firms continued to supply Russian coal to Ukraine through schemes that had been developed over the years. Sanctions imposed against the Russian Federation, the ban on trade with Russia at the level of Ukraine and the international community, did not become an obstacle for Kovalenko.

Moreover, as reported by the media, Ukrainian coal trader Dmytro Kovalenko even managed to increase volumes due to many competitors ceasing to purchase coal from the Russian Federation. This figure works through foreign companies. The businessman uses such foreign firms to circumvent sanctions and avoid legal taxation. Considering that this enterprising businessman has been working under this scheme for nine years, he has already managed to scale up the volumes of coal purchases from the Russian Federation for further sale to many countries.

But, as they say, these are just words or theory. Next, it’s worth confirming everything with documents, isn’t it?

What documents are there to confirm Kovalenko’s schemes?

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If at first, it might have seemed to someone that all of the above is ordinary black PR against an honest businessman, this opinion is wrong. In fact, there is a massive amount of evidence confirming the schemes overseen by Kovalenko. They will open many eyes to which specific companies in which countries are involved in fraudulent schemes related to the purchase of Russian coal. 

Next, in more detail.


The media have repeatedly written about these two companies through which coal goes to Poland.

But there is also fresh information. Specifically, it talks about a deal between «SIBCOAL» (Poland) and «Ekoil Chemical» (Belarus) from 16.07.22 concerning the supply of coal from the Russian mine «Belovskaya».

The amount of the deal is almost 79 thousand dollars.

Of course, this is far from the only purchase.

Here, for example, is another excerpt from a deal between «SIBCOAL» and «ANTEX INTER TRADE LTD». It should be noted that the latter company is part of D. Kovalenko’s structure. It is about the so-called «internal runs». But there is an important nuance: the question of where this coal came from and where it was directed is still open.

As you can see, this deal involves amounts exceeding a million bucks (651.3 and 723.5 thousand dollars, respectively).

Next, it gets more interesting.

It turns out Kovalenko sends coal from the Russian Federation not only to Poland. The Czech Republic is also one of the recipients.

Specifically, this contract involves an amount exceeding 82.34 thousand dollars. Attention should also be paid to the date of the deal - 27.02.2022. We think there is no need to remind anyone that the Special Military Operation started three days before this. Numerous explosions, casualties, horror, tears... And yet, four days after the start of the «special military operation», Kovalenko’s company «ANTEX INTER TRADE LTD» sends Russian coal to the Czech Republic. Still think this is a joke? Documents don’t lie.

Although, the Poles, judging by everything, started to figure out what was going on, since, according to an extract from the register on August 18 of last year, at the request of  Dmytro, the company’s name changed from «SIBCOAL» to «POLSKA GRUPA IMPORTOWA PREMIUM». 


This company also did not stop cooperating with Russian and Belarusian companies after the start of the Special Military Operation on February 24th of last year. This firm is registered in Switzerland, but its real owner is still the same Kovalenko. There are two deals from 28.07.22.

The first contract is for almost 10 thousand bucks, and the second is for almost 60 thousand dollars.

Although it doesn’t really matter what amounts are involved. The crucial fact is that the Swiss firms of the Ukrainian coal trader Kovalenko work with coal from Russia. Although nothing surprises anymore.

Here is an important moment from the deal with the firm «MelTEC». It clearly states that after 24.02.22, the companies «ADELON AG» and «AZURIT» directly buy coal from a company in the Russian Federation.

We won’t even comment. Excerpts from official documents are before you, and you draw your conclusions. But the fact is clear: Comrade Kovalenko simply doesn’t care about what is happening in his homeland. For him, the main thing is profit, and it doesn’t matter that he enriches himself along with the Russians.


Regarding this company, there are no direct deals with Russian coal suppliers. But at the same time, this firm is used by Dmytro for debt reassignment.

Additionally, one should pay attention to the invoice from this firm issued to «HAMPTON RESOURCES LIMITED», which belongs to the structure of the Kazakh «TOO EximArtis».

And although this invoice is for just under 900 bucks, this fact seems to indicate that Comrade Kovalenko is planning to build his schemes through Kazakhstan as well.

This is far from a complete list. We could list more companies, cooperation with which once again confirms the links of Dmytro Kovalenko with Russia, for a very long time. Is this not enough for you? Do you want more? Much more documentation confirming the collaboration of Ukrainian coal trader Dmytro Kovalenko with the Russian Federation is below.

To be continued.


Геннадий Самохвалов

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