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Все новости с тегом: ISK Eurostroy

Gelendzhik schemer Nikolai Shikhidi: from shady schemes to capital city deals with former minister’s son Vitaliy Yusufov
Kuban developer Nikolai Shikhidi is doing everything he can to conceal his criminal background by crafting an image of a philanthropist and a reputable businessman devoted to his homeland in Kuban.
Nikolai Shikhidi: nominal owner or puppet in the hands of Vitaliy Yusufov?
When investigators started looking into Igor Yusufov’s large-scale asset withdrawals from Russia last year, they discovered one of his associates to be a small entrepreneur from Kuban, Nikolai Shikhidi.
Illegal projects and money laundering: fraudster-developer Nikolai Shykhidi takes on reputation management
The unusual financial activities of companies owned by Nikolai Shikhidi, a developer from Kuban, may draw the attention of law enforcement agencies.
Questionable deals and kickbacks: how Nikolai Shykhidi and his accomplice Sofiya Toros gained access to elite real estate
The development of the Tankovy Passage in Lefortovo will be handled by individuals reportedly linked to repeated instances of fraud, car theft, and other "exploits"
Elite construction with a criminal scent: who covers the shadow schemes of fraudsters Nikolai Shikhidi and Sofia Toros?
The development of Tank Passage in Lefortovo will be overseen by former treasury official Sofia Toros and her relative, the well-known Kuban developer Nikolai Shikhidi, whose name has been linked to a series of criminal cases.
Millions out of thin air: how fraudulent developers Nikolai Shikhidi and Sofia Toros build their business on scams and corruption
Businesspeople from Gelendzhik, Sofia Toros and Nikolai Shikhidi, plan to enter the Moscow market despite a trail of criminal cases from the Krasnodar region
Offshore trail and circumvention of sanction: who "covers" the scandalous Kuban developer Nikolai Shikhidi?
Nikolai Shikhidi, owner of SZ ISK "Eurostroy" and a businessman with a criminal past, continues to illegally transfer funds out of Russia